Friday, 19 December 2014

Feed Africa to the dogs - Letter to an African child

Dear African Child

I wanted to begin my letter to you by asking how you were but realise that it will be rather an insult as I am aware that you are not at all fine. Your children sleep to lullabies of machine guns and screams of innocent souls murdered and raped by those who feel more powerful than others. Oh African child your beautiful cultural songs and late night bonfire with story telling while sharing meet and traditional beer has turned to criminal meeting where the next targeted victims are discussed and lives concluded. Your beautiful African sky is hidden by smokes of burning villages and teargas that still lingers over your clouds even after so many years in South Africa, the smoke of burning of schools and hospitals that use to be free in Tripoli, the smoke of burning Cairo that cover the historic pyramids of Imhotep and blood of Egyptian children that flows into the nile river.

The benefits of your minerals and resources are enjoyed by a few while the entire population of the African continent  live in great poverty, the rains that falls from your skies brings death as they carry poison that comes from underneath your ground that is polluted by those extracting minerals below. Your oil is used to fund the purchase of arms that kill the defenceless women and children of your soil, your diamonds shine in palaces of those who worry not if your children are wearing any shoes during winter mornings while going to schools that teach them to be obedient to the system setup to keep them as slaves to others.

Oh African child, you have given all you have to the politicians that feed you with lies while their bellies are full with berries of your ground. The politicians whom you offer and pledge your life to defend theirs and their election campaign manifestos then they forget all about when they are in power safe the insult house they build for you to squeeze in with your African size family. You have given your faith not to God but those who have appointed themselves to be his representatives and messengers  but continue to live in luxury while your last penny that should be directed to feeding your family goes towards cementing their wealthy status. African child since when has your preachers status moved from the saviour of souls to billionaire? Africa wake up for your land has been fed to the dogs 

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